FDTech Hosts MDR Film Crew: Insights on Post-Election Responses and Future Initiatives
The day after the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, FDTech welcomed an MDR film crew to discuss how businesses and international specialists are navigating the election results.
Yesterday, the day after the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, we hosted a film crew from MDR MITTELDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK at FDTech headquarters in Chemnitz.
The program “Brennpunkt: Verlorenes Vertrauen” (Focus: Lost Trust) aims to highlight how entrepreneurs and international specialists are responding to the election results.
For almost two hours, Karsten, Saba and Aditya, along with marketing representatives Nicole, Felicia and Bao , shared their perspectives. The program aired last night on ARD and MDR.
Tim, representing community4you AG, was also a guest, continuing the focus on the economic initiative for democracy and diversity.
As we know, after one election comes another — the Bundestag elections will be held in 2025. Our involvement in the business initiative will therefore continue seamlessly.
The MDR report can be viewed at the following link: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/brennpunkt/rechtsruck-wirtschaft-bangt-um-internationale-fachkraefte/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9iZWl0cmFnL2Ntcy8wNTI5N2RkMC0xZmYwLTRiYWYtOWNkZS1iNzFmYjg2OTNlYmE