Awarded the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland 2024 prize in Berlin

Cooperation in science profile lessons honored: On Tuesday, we and the J.-W.-v.-Goethe Gymnasium Chemnitz received the nationwide SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT award in the category “Making commitment visible.”
In the festive atmosphere of the Vestibule and Ludwig Erhard Hall of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, companies and schools were honored for their outstanding campaigns, networks and support services for the educational and career opportunities of young people.
The event was moderated by Laura Fütterer and Ulrich Walter. Michael Kellner, Parliamentary State Secretary, gave a welcome address and thanked all participants.
The SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT prize jury selected this year's winners from over 80 applications. We were honored with a 3rd place for our cooperation with the Goethe Gymnasium.
The award winners included small local players as well as major players such as Pirelli Deutschland GmbH,Bosten IT Consulting and BASF,Omeras Oberflächenveredlung und Metallverarbeitung GmbH, Meisterwerke Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG, Kreishandwerkerschaft Südsachsen.
SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland is awarding the prize, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, for the thirteenth time this year.
We, Karsten, Silvio, Felicia and Gloria from the City of Chemnitz Business Division, are delighted that we were able to raise the profile of this important educational project with this award ceremony and hope to see even more imitators in business and schools.

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